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Welcome to Parma Middle School

Hello Parma Middle School Students!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! The entire staff at Parma Middle School is very eager to connect, teach, learn, and explore new things with you. Middle school is a fun and exciting time, as it is a period of immense growth that presents unique challenges for all students. We hope that you enter our doors ready to learn more about who you are, who you want to be, and what your strengths and passions are. We also hope you are willing to take risks, step outside of your comfort zone, be curious, fail sometimes, and learn to be patient with yourself and your peers as you all discover new strengths and passions this year.
Finally, we are ready for you to push your own learning and achievement to the next level. We have been planning and preparing our classes, projects, labs, and activities for you, and cannot wait to engage in all of it with you.

Be ready to build relationships, work hard, laugh often, and grow in all kinds of ways in 2024-2025!

~ Lindsey Yundt, Principal, & the Parma Middle School Staff ~

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We now have Parma spirit gear for sale in the high school office. You can order online through the district website or come into the office to purchase your gear. If you are ordering online go to the district website and select Revtrak, log into Revtrak and select the spirit gear tab. Items are pictured and have the price available. Orders will be available for pick up at the high school office.


Read More about Panther Apparel (opens in new window/tab)